I am a great believer in people, that is one of the reason I work so hard with everyone, and I think that the people I have worked with have two choices concerning me, it is either to love me or hate me,
These who love me are mostly at the top, because I made plans strategically to reduce cost, while at the same time implementing a long term development plan for the good of the university
These who hate me are mostly the junior or rivals, because I implement idea that is to be worked by them, either physically or strategically, to them I am the face of work, the best thing about working here is much more the friendly culture, it makes for such a good working environment with great openings to do extremely well and develop my career. It makes works more than just a job for me; it makes it a life in me
I am constantly developing myself within my role as well as my personal creative talents. In terms of work or personal development ethics it is important that a staff take time to assess oneself, no matter which facet of the job it is, the one the men at the top love or the one the men at the top hate, I try to look at my planning processes and procedures that deals with situations in the university, I try to see if I can improve my relationship with the staff from previous efforts,
I question myself at times, before I actually implement a new idea or proposal to the Registrar, it is important that I create friends and understanding on these who see me as “the face of work” and also build it into the process that follows the idea am proposing for the good of each unit, it is my job as the technical officer to do, knowing that I run with it and see during the post-assessment if it has given me or the university any gain.
As an African know how, it is important that I have to be attentive of the ever changing strategic environment in which I work and be aware of the need to attend any new courses or training programmes in order to keep abreast of new regulations and/or new management techniques which are necessary for me to effectively execute my role as Planning officer (technical).
The department supports the initiative and today most of the staff in planning department are being AUTOCAD trainedThe variety of work, and I especially enjoy problem-solving, so there is a great deal of job satisfaction. It is very rewarding to be able to deliver the results expected by my Department, particularly when it contributes to the continuing success of the Department