Today most of my in-work creative writing including writing bid proposals to committees and departments, assessing the existing school projects, while personal writing includes giving papers and writing related articles and books to students. In addition, there are also grant proposals for schemes needed for a plan lead system in each area and articles and books proposals to be reviewed for various funding bodies in the university and publishers.
In 2005 and early 2006, I was formally an administrative officer in charge of publicity and Information, my Duty then was more literarily creative imposed, the administration does covers everything from organizing students and staff in events, it was much more like sitting on Department and University committees and panels with pen and paper as your power point
Below is an article I wrote while still in the Administrative department
The Joy of my Job
I love to write news articles, mostly on new discoveries within the Campus, as well as feature articles that offer a broader perspective on the motto of the university community, often including the personalities and process behind the university growth.
In gathering information for articles, I often read the journal from National University commissions around the world and professional scholarly magazines, news releases, government records, electronic mail, chat group postings, and faxes from news sources that talk about academia. Also I get information from attending the university meetings, news conferences and breaking news events in and around the university community
The information I compiled help me to maintain contact with helpful media houses and create a professional relationship with the press and public organizations
Being a part of the university information unit and sport committee give me the chance accompany the university proposed expeditions thereby I had the privilege of writing in-depth accounts of the experience and learning of possible advances in area of public interest.
The most important activity in developing a news story, however, is interviewing personality who were invited to the university or has relevant connection to the university vision
By far the most important qualities needed by a prospective Publicity Officer are a fascination with the university system as a whole and a talent for writing clearly, accurately and with an interesting flair.
I have these qualities and they have been at an advantage to me, I believe that the publicity Officer must also possess a drive to continue learning throughout their professional lives, because unlike the case in many administrative specialties, each new publicity angles published by an officer can present new concepts and a new vocabulary to master.
Like a journalists in this new age of technological advancement the Publicity Officer will increasingly have to learn to work in multimedia, using text, graphics, video and audio to communicate their stories. That is why I have the joy of my job, having the university academic atmosphere and information technology resources to help out
Successful Publicity Officers have come from the ranks of both literary/art community and of journalism/public relation with each gaining the complementary knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career as an author/writer. Which I have become
Publicity officer working in a science based university must learn the reporting and writing skills necessary to pursue a story, more important is the need to learn and understand both art and scientific concepts and terms.
I originated from the ranks of professional literary association, and have tried my best to complement the creativity with my new job, communicating to the public about my university through lay-level articles, columns and lay-level academic books. While doing that I can hold down other staff jobs, getting involved in all the administrative duties and establishing a reputation working both ways.
For me as the university publicity Officer my University degree is a must, I think that it is important that aspiring Officer should consider taking courses that complement their administrative tendencies with journalism or have their master in area of Public relation and marketing, whether it is in science or journalism. Many universities offer specialized courses in creative writings and the library is full of it.
When I got the job as Administrative officer/ publicity, I started with original literary works; collection composed mostly of the works and research materials of Bells University community. I collected reviews of correspondence, leaflets, speeches/lectures, poems, short stories, essays, contracts, working notes, and articles concerning the life of each individual in relation to the university as a whole. I try to seek angles to communicate not only among the university members, but also with the public. That lead to the publication of my first article in the press- National Interest Newspaper, titled “ Publicity/Feature in the Pubic mind”
On the article I talk about my job- comprises promoting the university idea into the mind of it employee and it community, inspire truth in the motto by the output , and its aspiration toward the common goodwhat try to explain was that a science university may market their vision to a population that frequently does not understand technical language. The Officer must therefore not only understand the vision and target of their university but must be able to translate this knowledge to their customers, but also describe products and activities to the public.
Being the first to report of new developments in science and medicine to the general public can be one of the most exciting and fascinating "beats" on any newspaper, radio or television station. So the relationship of the media and that of the University Publicity officer /information is a must
That is why I spend most of my time creating the relationship that work both ways (for the press and the university). I seldom write the same story twice for two different media. Just as each university development is a discovery of something the public had not known before, each angles is about something neither the reporter nor his/her reader knew before.
Such officers who I try to emulate have followed this pattern of action for a long while now, and some of the most momentous events in human history were reporters the first to tell the public (through the press they created a relationship) of the splitting of the uranium atom and of the consequent explosion of the first atomic bomb.
Today I am monitoring what's is happening in the research laboratories in my university and my attention is an encouragement to the researchers and I hope we will come across the “ Something” for developments that might be of interest to the Nation
I hope to do this by enjoying the joy of my job, with the information unit in my university ,attending scientific and medical meetings where researchers hear about advances by their peers, by perusing scientific and medical journals and adding my little contribution, by reading press releases from universities and corporations, by "surfing" the science-related web sites on the Internet, and by interviewing scientists.
And through these association I will seek direct insight to the needs, opportunity, and challenges of our community, and develop macro themes that will befits both the National University system and the world that have invited our country into the commonwealth of nations