Green horns: Players and coach
Because I was new to coaching and they were new to the games, and it was their first experience outside the university, I have to encourage them to ask the official about a rule interpretation during a regular or 20-second timeout charged to our team. Because I was unable to discuss a judgment decision.
There was a time our play was so bad that I thought all the players will be fouled out and we had no bench, No team may be reduced to less than five players. If a player in the game receives his sixth foul and there is no substitute the player will remain in the game, resulting in a team foul, which was our worst undoing, when most of the players had four fouls to their names
Being over cautious to avoid team foul, lead to more mistakes, Steven Okoye went out injured, and we were soundly beaten
And then the excuse began…
A ballplayer laughs, and blamed me Coachy
Said they outplayed us in every phase of the game
Because Coachy refused to leave him inside
Taking him off for a scrappy player
A ballplayer laughs and said I hate him
Why else I didn’t put him to lead the team
For he wanted it more than a teammate does
And his assumption was we beat ourselves.
Voices said from the stand
It just wasn't meant to be our day
We had our chances but we let them slip away
Because the Coachy know not some basic rules
Emeka was my assistance as the coach
And he was a youth younger than most players
And admitted the best team won today
And that we came up a little short.
I don't want to point fingers
But the bull injury left us short
And therefore the turnovers killed us
And they out-muscled us
Ibrahim say they out-coached us.
Ayo said we got a wake-up call.
Beddie admitted we weren't mentally prepared.
And the coach came out flat.
TC said there were too many defensive lapses.
Voices said our defense was a non-factor.
Jonathan said we shot ourselves in the foot
And the coach dug us a deep hole
Obaro said we lost our focus.
Afeez said we didn’t get the big breaks today
When our defense didn't show up
to replace a disqualified player
I take full responsibility for this loss.
Because we didn't get the job done
they out-hustled the green horns we were
and ate our lunch in the basketball court
we can still hold our heads high
we guys have nothing to be ashamed of
because it is our first major tournament
and the others has twenty years over us
I tip my hat to them.
As the ball just didn't bounce our way
they just made the big plays and we didn't.
we only have to look in the mirror
and learn from what we learned in deed
Green horns: Account of the Game
( a game of promise)
One of my player looks around
He looked hard right and left
I look hard at him from the bench,
pointing out were I found an opening
to the point guard.
He fake left
then spin right,
he release the ball
it's in flight.
Saed; the point guard catches it
the perfect pass from john the bull,
now much closer he get
to backboard glass and line
He fake left
then spin right,
Player and ball rhyming
body dance like poetry in motion,
point guard sets
shoot the ball and miss the shot
yet the cheering crowd
wont forget…
Player and ball rhyming
body dance like poetry in motion
Saturday, May 17, 2008
basketball story
An Open Door (A True Story) by Omosun Sylvester
first published in silencespeaks magazine on Sun, 08/15/2004 - 21:14.
I sensed the basket behind me, I knew its angle, but I have no trick of passing by this three-man defense backing me off, they are always at their best when it was I with the ball because their pride is always in the way,…the time is tickling off I noted more so with the will to take the chance…something I always do, not without pain as I jumped twist-turn in the air, for the lay up.
Though I live beyond the sound barrier the shout when the ball went into the basket, it vivid power, the source of every silent scream was beyond that of dreams I hoped for.
I watch the spectator standing and applauding, most with hands on their head as if holding in their brain, looking at me. I can sense them because I was being drown to their train of thought…because they know who I am, they knew about the silence within, the way I got it from my mothers’ milk.
Because I am different…Whatever I do every step I take, every utterance of any volume could be analyzed critically-I liked such attention for my intentions.
It was different once…
When I was a kid with hearing impairment I hated the attention I got when into sporting competition. I spent most of my time just hating everything about being in the spotlight, and when am alone, I'd stand in front of the mirror, and look at myself…the face I knew, and compared it with what I imagined people saw. I'd see this distorted image, an exotic bird.
Coming to school everyday, knowing that I am different, I hated it. Each day people made it clear how I looked. They are curious about me, constantly looking into my eyes trying to engage me in conversation. Conscious of my difference they cannot help observing "The man who talks without hearing his own voice."
The attention was suffocating. I felt in some way false, a perfect fake of a form who thinks he is normal, I thought that I was being used as an instrument of every whim that was not my own. I had no ability to do anything about it.
It is not simply the attitude which saps the strength of the kid I was, but some human commodity was missing in my morality, that part of me that needed to socialize was lacking. Looking at them as they look at me, I'd say to myself they do not care how I feel being at the centre of attention. Because to the kid I was… they did not appear to care, more so because fellow students look at me at times as if they were looking out through a window, trying to assess the silence I was born with. It was made worse because I knew they were talking about me, even though they were not looking at me. I knew (like every other self absorbed kid at that age could put two and two together and come up with the result of eight.)
At times I tried to squelch my fear by telling myself that it was only words, but each time the silence worked on me. When I stand in front of the mirror I'd move my arms try to speak with the language of signs, and watch myself speak to myself without hearing my own voice, trying to see the man in the mirror with a third eye…the eye from the outside world, and try to see what they see
I hardly knew what they were thinking about me. Nor what they saw me as really, but I always thought it was negative. Because they seemed to be withdrawn, when my schoolmates speak, they always over do it at times.
I do not use sign language because I was not born with impaired hearing and read lips easily, but the language of sign fascinated the students. I felt that I was always being sectioned by a referee or by a policeman by the way they tried to speak with every division. It is a fact that people have always been fascinated by what they consider different.
There are times through history when people were fascinated enough to hang or burn those they considered different. I was convinced as you should expect in such a situation that no one outside my immediate family would ever accept me as a normal person or love me as such. I felt that no one liked me as a person in the school. As I grew I decided that in order to survive in what I saw as a cruel world I have to arm myself against repeated bruising. So I grew like a weed, arrogant stubborn, and decided that I had to weed my life of any thing that does not support my identity.
In the University it became an obsession and my drive, I was so good at being what I do that I became the player manager of the University basketball team,
Everything that motivated me in any competition was the result of constant rage…the poison that can only be exorcised by intense pain, a self-act of violence like the feel of my hand on the rim as the ball goes in. I wanted to prove a point in every game I took part in. I am normal and can do everything that everyone else can do.
I began by measuring my achievement, not against my personal capabilities, but against everyone else. I started dressing and acting in ways to fit in, but still underneath these facades I still have the feeling of inferiority.
But something happened to change all this…
In the beginning because there is simply an awareness that life is simply not working, that suffering has ceased to be interesting, and somehow you know that there should be something in your heart that will make sense out of what appears to be the senseless suffering. So we begin to seek. What is it we long for? We begin to ask, and question ourselves, what makes us suffer? After a time it becomes habit, a practice a way to see our world. As we talk to our soul and question it. What are we separate from that make us suffer and why? What are we missing? What have we lost? So we begin to look, to question ourselves
We move along unfamiliar roads, and embank on a journey within, toward the person we really are.
In the university I can remember asking myself once, “If we are not really what people say we are why are we trying to prove them wrong in the first place”. Isn't it better to be who you are and make the best use of it, haven’t we learned from experience, that what people considered different in me, accredited to me; probably because I am different, they never seem to miss any minute detail when ‘hearing impaired man does it”.
To tell people about the difference with or without words; in sports or any event people took notice by what I did. Not because of the silence within, but because I was different. The game I played was different, because I put a different approach to the game. The game as a whole was different because there was a different person taking part on the game, when I was there on the court, or the gymnasium, or the field, or the
classroom at my youthful age, in its way, my every gesture, my speech, my looks all went to emphasis my difference. All the reason for my identity was to make a point
On in my trial-I can recall a foreigner by the side line among a group of people known to me, during a game, as I stole a glance at him, I realized that he too was starring at me. In what seemed undisguised wonder, though his eyes were open and looking to my direction I knew instinctively that he was not seeing me, but was wondering about my life. (a presumed life I guessed was known to him through gossips).
I allowed my eyes to wander over him his eyes like manner wandered over me very slowly too, I can feel a grin opening my face until am unable to hold it anymore, it was good laughing at people's fantastic image of you when they wonder about what lies within.
The man approached me after the game introduced himself as a missionary and said that he liked the difference my presence made to the game, he asked me with a simple question. On what my purpose was in life, and how did I see myself filling that role.
He pointed out at the mast holding the basket, and said that its purpose was to hold the basket, net, board, and all the things above it. It was made solely for that purpose he pointed out. Other things he pointed out and their designated purpose in life, then asked if these things that are not living but has a purpose… are they more important than me as a person with purpose.
I replied NO!
Now what is your purpose, since you admit that things that are not as important as you have a purpose. Isn't it reasonable that you too have a designated purpose?
All my years in the university I had thought of asking myself that same question but I never did. In that silent moment right there in the court, few months before I graduated… it was as if the day was made for thinking of it. I could gladly have pushed each question to the back of my mind but the only thing I did was to look at him, eye seeing yet unseeing, in a silence so deep.
We are not born with the secret of discovering our differences in life, but we were given free will and reasoning to discover each hidden door. The secret lies in our heart, no one else holds it, but as long as we look to others to give us the key we will never discover our purpose.
We must realize that there is a kingdom within us and that no one needs to give us permission to explore, the only one to give us that permission is ourselves. Knowing that I had revealed myself, today I did the very opposite of deceiving myself, I wanted somehow to make manifest the man within me to the outside world. Better they should know me than interpret me by my deeds.
With the help of Dr Sola Fosudo the Director of Theatre art and Music at the University I was, I found a way to be one with myself for people to know that I am myself through arts, and poetry…i seek words that I am the truth of what someone special is.
At early twenties, while at the national service year, I became quite comfortable in the world were I see voices, I have nothing to hide. I have to live with myself, and because I wanted to be able to look at myself and like myself more, with what I do with myself every passing day, I do not need to hide anything. Nor try believing nobody else will know.
My life is written on my face. As I look at you I can never hide myself from me, or from those I live with. I hated trying to hide, and I knew that if my impairment is normal why hide it. Why? I do not know what direction my life currently treads, but in all things I wanted to be me. I wanted to make a difference in this life before mine is through. I
wanted to share the riches within me…that was a big step in my growth and I was barely twenty two years old at that time I made the decision
I had always had this near irresistible feeling since I was a kid to call out. To scream to the world, I am different not because of my hearing impairment. So that they all will come and take a look at me, to see the deepness within, and knew that my deed is my difference.
Admiration of individuals has always focused on their differences. Those who have high standards in all they do, exposing moral values which may make them stand out in a different groups. Knowing that I opened a lot of door to those in my school, and surroundings to help them recognize that it is important to make the effort to understand that others are different from them and there is strength in their being different.
I opened a lot of doors for people to see that whatever background you came from, what ever problem you have everybody can have an opportunity if they are willing to go that extra mile to fight their own battle. That is how I became the fans favorite alien when I was at school.
I have always dreamed of opening doors all my life. Now that I have the opportunity through my writings, poetry and working in a university… it does not get any better, does It.?
first published in silencespeaks magazine on Sun, 08/15/2004 - 21:14.
I sensed the basket behind me, I knew its angle, but I have no trick of passing by this three-man defense backing me off, they are always at their best when it was I with the ball because their pride is always in the way,…the time is tickling off I noted more so with the will to take the chance…something I always do, not without pain as I jumped twist-turn in the air, for the lay up.
Though I live beyond the sound barrier the shout when the ball went into the basket, it vivid power, the source of every silent scream was beyond that of dreams I hoped for.
I watch the spectator standing and applauding, most with hands on their head as if holding in their brain, looking at me. I can sense them because I was being drown to their train of thought…because they know who I am, they knew about the silence within, the way I got it from my mothers’ milk.
Because I am different…Whatever I do every step I take, every utterance of any volume could be analyzed critically-I liked such attention for my intentions.
It was different once…
When I was a kid with hearing impairment I hated the attention I got when into sporting competition. I spent most of my time just hating everything about being in the spotlight, and when am alone, I'd stand in front of the mirror, and look at myself…the face I knew, and compared it with what I imagined people saw. I'd see this distorted image, an exotic bird.
Coming to school everyday, knowing that I am different, I hated it. Each day people made it clear how I looked. They are curious about me, constantly looking into my eyes trying to engage me in conversation. Conscious of my difference they cannot help observing "The man who talks without hearing his own voice."
The attention was suffocating. I felt in some way false, a perfect fake of a form who thinks he is normal, I thought that I was being used as an instrument of every whim that was not my own. I had no ability to do anything about it.
It is not simply the attitude which saps the strength of the kid I was, but some human commodity was missing in my morality, that part of me that needed to socialize was lacking. Looking at them as they look at me, I'd say to myself they do not care how I feel being at the centre of attention. Because to the kid I was… they did not appear to care, more so because fellow students look at me at times as if they were looking out through a window, trying to assess the silence I was born with. It was made worse because I knew they were talking about me, even though they were not looking at me. I knew (like every other self absorbed kid at that age could put two and two together and come up with the result of eight.)
At times I tried to squelch my fear by telling myself that it was only words, but each time the silence worked on me. When I stand in front of the mirror I'd move my arms try to speak with the language of signs, and watch myself speak to myself without hearing my own voice, trying to see the man in the mirror with a third eye…the eye from the outside world, and try to see what they see
I hardly knew what they were thinking about me. Nor what they saw me as really, but I always thought it was negative. Because they seemed to be withdrawn, when my schoolmates speak, they always over do it at times.
I do not use sign language because I was not born with impaired hearing and read lips easily, but the language of sign fascinated the students. I felt that I was always being sectioned by a referee or by a policeman by the way they tried to speak with every division. It is a fact that people have always been fascinated by what they consider different.
There are times through history when people were fascinated enough to hang or burn those they considered different. I was convinced as you should expect in such a situation that no one outside my immediate family would ever accept me as a normal person or love me as such. I felt that no one liked me as a person in the school. As I grew I decided that in order to survive in what I saw as a cruel world I have to arm myself against repeated bruising. So I grew like a weed, arrogant stubborn, and decided that I had to weed my life of any thing that does not support my identity.
In the University it became an obsession and my drive, I was so good at being what I do that I became the player manager of the University basketball team,
Everything that motivated me in any competition was the result of constant rage…the poison that can only be exorcised by intense pain, a self-act of violence like the feel of my hand on the rim as the ball goes in. I wanted to prove a point in every game I took part in. I am normal and can do everything that everyone else can do.
I began by measuring my achievement, not against my personal capabilities, but against everyone else. I started dressing and acting in ways to fit in, but still underneath these facades I still have the feeling of inferiority.
But something happened to change all this…
In the beginning because there is simply an awareness that life is simply not working, that suffering has ceased to be interesting, and somehow you know that there should be something in your heart that will make sense out of what appears to be the senseless suffering. So we begin to seek. What is it we long for? We begin to ask, and question ourselves, what makes us suffer? After a time it becomes habit, a practice a way to see our world. As we talk to our soul and question it. What are we separate from that make us suffer and why? What are we missing? What have we lost? So we begin to look, to question ourselves
We move along unfamiliar roads, and embank on a journey within, toward the person we really are.
In the university I can remember asking myself once, “If we are not really what people say we are why are we trying to prove them wrong in the first place”. Isn't it better to be who you are and make the best use of it, haven’t we learned from experience, that what people considered different in me, accredited to me; probably because I am different, they never seem to miss any minute detail when ‘hearing impaired man does it”.
To tell people about the difference with or without words; in sports or any event people took notice by what I did. Not because of the silence within, but because I was different. The game I played was different, because I put a different approach to the game. The game as a whole was different because there was a different person taking part on the game, when I was there on the court, or the gymnasium, or the field, or the
classroom at my youthful age, in its way, my every gesture, my speech, my looks all went to emphasis my difference. All the reason for my identity was to make a point
On in my trial-I can recall a foreigner by the side line among a group of people known to me, during a game, as I stole a glance at him, I realized that he too was starring at me. In what seemed undisguised wonder, though his eyes were open and looking to my direction I knew instinctively that he was not seeing me, but was wondering about my life. (a presumed life I guessed was known to him through gossips).
I allowed my eyes to wander over him his eyes like manner wandered over me very slowly too, I can feel a grin opening my face until am unable to hold it anymore, it was good laughing at people's fantastic image of you when they wonder about what lies within.
The man approached me after the game introduced himself as a missionary and said that he liked the difference my presence made to the game, he asked me with a simple question. On what my purpose was in life, and how did I see myself filling that role.
He pointed out at the mast holding the basket, and said that its purpose was to hold the basket, net, board, and all the things above it. It was made solely for that purpose he pointed out. Other things he pointed out and their designated purpose in life, then asked if these things that are not living but has a purpose… are they more important than me as a person with purpose.
I replied NO!
Now what is your purpose, since you admit that things that are not as important as you have a purpose. Isn't it reasonable that you too have a designated purpose?
All my years in the university I had thought of asking myself that same question but I never did. In that silent moment right there in the court, few months before I graduated… it was as if the day was made for thinking of it. I could gladly have pushed each question to the back of my mind but the only thing I did was to look at him, eye seeing yet unseeing, in a silence so deep.
We are not born with the secret of discovering our differences in life, but we were given free will and reasoning to discover each hidden door. The secret lies in our heart, no one else holds it, but as long as we look to others to give us the key we will never discover our purpose.
We must realize that there is a kingdom within us and that no one needs to give us permission to explore, the only one to give us that permission is ourselves. Knowing that I had revealed myself, today I did the very opposite of deceiving myself, I wanted somehow to make manifest the man within me to the outside world. Better they should know me than interpret me by my deeds.
With the help of Dr Sola Fosudo the Director of Theatre art and Music at the University I was, I found a way to be one with myself for people to know that I am myself through arts, and poetry…i seek words that I am the truth of what someone special is.
At early twenties, while at the national service year, I became quite comfortable in the world were I see voices, I have nothing to hide. I have to live with myself, and because I wanted to be able to look at myself and like myself more, with what I do with myself every passing day, I do not need to hide anything. Nor try believing nobody else will know.
My life is written on my face. As I look at you I can never hide myself from me, or from those I live with. I hated trying to hide, and I knew that if my impairment is normal why hide it. Why? I do not know what direction my life currently treads, but in all things I wanted to be me. I wanted to make a difference in this life before mine is through. I
wanted to share the riches within me…that was a big step in my growth and I was barely twenty two years old at that time I made the decision
I had always had this near irresistible feeling since I was a kid to call out. To scream to the world, I am different not because of my hearing impairment. So that they all will come and take a look at me, to see the deepness within, and knew that my deed is my difference.
Admiration of individuals has always focused on their differences. Those who have high standards in all they do, exposing moral values which may make them stand out in a different groups. Knowing that I opened a lot of door to those in my school, and surroundings to help them recognize that it is important to make the effort to understand that others are different from them and there is strength in their being different.
I opened a lot of doors for people to see that whatever background you came from, what ever problem you have everybody can have an opportunity if they are willing to go that extra mile to fight their own battle. That is how I became the fans favorite alien when I was at school.
I have always dreamed of opening doors all my life. Now that I have the opportunity through my writings, poetry and working in a university… it does not get any better, does It.?
‘FROM PLATFORM TO PODIUM’: call for paper
Call for write-up on ‘Why student love and Play basketball’
I recently sent out a mail, and prints to some student, staff and players in my university that I know like to watch basketball or are still actively playing basketball with us at the sport court. I wanted to know why they love the game, reason to go to open court when it rains, or wanted to make a career out of basketball. I got some really interesting answers...
According to Demilade (200 Level), one of the students who tried to make the final twelve of the university team,
‘I love the game because of the trill, the feeling of fulfillment after the final buzzer, and cheer and the joy of my teams and fans who came to watch. It is simply Unforgettable’ more so since the coach make it a fun for all involved’
Here is another quote by Okhumoya.W. Saed (200 Level); the University basketball team captain
‘I play and love basketball because to me it’s pure joy. As a point guard and the captain of the team, it gives me added responsibility, knowing that when the ball leaves your hand it must be intended to reach one of my teammates or the basket, and if the ball from my hand rises and falls gracefully through the iron hoop and silk netting, l put a smile on the face of my team mate, supporters and fans, interesting knowing that I am the one who put the smile there’
According to AFEEZ, the University NACOSS (National Association of Computer Science Students) Financial Secretary,
‘Today basketball has made me aware of my influence over others, take great pride in my responsibility to them, I am an authority - A model at NACOSS, a person who can make a great impact on the character development because basketball teaches me team work
I play football and basketball, and have had the privilege of representing the university on both games, unlike football; basketball is one of the only sports which you can play on your own. And it’s the challenge of overcoming yourself and the other which keeps me motivated to try to improve.’
Leonard Lawani (100 level) says ‘basketball brings me joy - regardless if my day has been great or horrible. I know basketball will give me that bit of joy. Thank you basketball … and thanks again coachy for bringing basketball to Bells University.
The Coach say ‘As a creative writer, someone who project pain into poetry, the Danfur Genocide, Zimbabwe conflict, and much more such ethnic problem in Africa, these tensions are stressful and stroke inducible, but playing the game I love at such a conflicting moment, can reduce the danger inherent in health problems such as stroke, that is not all the reason why, I also love to play basketball because it is a perfect game, fusing harmonious team play with opportunities for a talented individual to showcase his creativity and skills. There is nothing quite like swishing a game winning shot or making a perfect backdoor pass or running a smooth give and go and smashing into the university two most outstanding players; Steven Okoye and Tosin (yao ming).
Why do you love basketball? What do you think of the University Basketball Team, do you want to play a part, and can you write an article, poem or story about the sport for the competitiveness and intensity it brings. If yes please send me a comment or an article, with a picture of you (not optional) before the 28th of May 2008, and it will appear on the book to be published on 24th June 2008 ‘From Platform to Podium’
Please email me at
Or text your email to 08052130879 for membership to Bells-basketball (groups online)
Omosun Sylvester
Planning officer
I recently sent out a mail, and prints to some student, staff and players in my university that I know like to watch basketball or are still actively playing basketball with us at the sport court. I wanted to know why they love the game, reason to go to open court when it rains, or wanted to make a career out of basketball. I got some really interesting answers...
According to Demilade (200 Level), one of the students who tried to make the final twelve of the university team,
‘I love the game because of the trill, the feeling of fulfillment after the final buzzer, and cheer and the joy of my teams and fans who came to watch. It is simply Unforgettable’ more so since the coach make it a fun for all involved’
Here is another quote by Okhumoya.W. Saed (200 Level); the University basketball team captain
‘I play and love basketball because to me it’s pure joy. As a point guard and the captain of the team, it gives me added responsibility, knowing that when the ball leaves your hand it must be intended to reach one of my teammates or the basket, and if the ball from my hand rises and falls gracefully through the iron hoop and silk netting, l put a smile on the face of my team mate, supporters and fans, interesting knowing that I am the one who put the smile there’
According to AFEEZ, the University NACOSS (National Association of Computer Science Students) Financial Secretary,
‘Today basketball has made me aware of my influence over others, take great pride in my responsibility to them, I am an authority - A model at NACOSS, a person who can make a great impact on the character development because basketball teaches me team work
I play football and basketball, and have had the privilege of representing the university on both games, unlike football; basketball is one of the only sports which you can play on your own. And it’s the challenge of overcoming yourself and the other which keeps me motivated to try to improve.’
Leonard Lawani (100 level) says ‘basketball brings me joy - regardless if my day has been great or horrible. I know basketball will give me that bit of joy. Thank you basketball … and thanks again coachy for bringing basketball to Bells University.
The Coach say ‘As a creative writer, someone who project pain into poetry, the Danfur Genocide, Zimbabwe conflict, and much more such ethnic problem in Africa, these tensions are stressful and stroke inducible, but playing the game I love at such a conflicting moment, can reduce the danger inherent in health problems such as stroke, that is not all the reason why, I also love to play basketball because it is a perfect game, fusing harmonious team play with opportunities for a talented individual to showcase his creativity and skills. There is nothing quite like swishing a game winning shot or making a perfect backdoor pass or running a smooth give and go and smashing into the university two most outstanding players; Steven Okoye and Tosin (yao ming).
Why do you love basketball? What do you think of the University Basketball Team, do you want to play a part, and can you write an article, poem or story about the sport for the competitiveness and intensity it brings. If yes please send me a comment or an article, with a picture of you (not optional) before the 28th of May 2008, and it will appear on the book to be published on 24th June 2008 ‘From Platform to Podium’
Please email me at
Or text your email to 08052130879 for membership to Bells-basketball (groups online)
Omosun Sylvester
Planning officer
bells university,
omosun sylvester,
Part Two: When The Whisle Blows
When the whistle blows
the period ends when the goal is made
the goal, if successful, shall count
with good call by the official
When the whistle blows
If a timeout request is made
I needed it to stop the bleeding
Because our shot barely drew iron
and the refs could not let me play
For the fun of it Don lost the handle
And game has turned into a track meet
All male bodies tried for each fame
and I gave good minutes off the bench
We got all the call against
From illegal physical contact
the penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct
or violations by team members
I was absolutely livid on the sideline
as players clawed their way back into the game
but yet every jump ball on the ref
is a floor violation by the bells.
An unusual delay
For a successful field goal attempt
We were leading 20 to 14
When a live ball is in flight
With five minutes left on the clock
the officials were right on top of us
upon receiving a timeout request
a defensive player cried in the court
an offensive player prayed in tongues
knowing they're within striking distance now
to claim the price the Host refuse to give
now it is two minutes to go
and it becomes a whole new ballgame
and without shame the ref screamed
and all fouls were called against us…
an unhindered attempt for the goal
Ball hitting vertical basket support
And everything we did called travelling,
Double dribble,
Striking or kicking the ball,
A throw-in ,
swinging of elbows,
24-second violation,
this is always a tough place to play
They’re playing with a sense of urgency
And scores came 22 to 18
And in frustration the don was fouled out
And they got a big break there
24 to 18
statistics can be misleading.
statistics tell the whole story.
that's the key statistic.
that's the key to the game
they all tried to steal
we took what the defense gives us
and the ref call for free throw
twice in seven second
giving us a few more grey hairs
And the score was 24 to 22
The ref should get an academy award
for that acting job
they played these games on paper
and we know that score won't hold up
time was out but the game goes on
an excuse that the timer was bad
they diagrammed that perfectly
that's stuff for the highlight film
and in inexperience my player frustrated self
a shot three-point goes through
when the horn sounds ending a period,
24 to 25
the period ends when the goal is made
the goal, if successful, shall count
with good call by the official
When the whistle blows
If a timeout request is made
I needed it to stop the bleeding
Because our shot barely drew iron
and the refs could not let me play
For the fun of it Don lost the handle
And game has turned into a track meet
All male bodies tried for each fame
and I gave good minutes off the bench
We got all the call against
From illegal physical contact
the penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct
or violations by team members
I was absolutely livid on the sideline
as players clawed their way back into the game
but yet every jump ball on the ref
is a floor violation by the bells.
An unusual delay
For a successful field goal attempt
We were leading 20 to 14
When a live ball is in flight
With five minutes left on the clock
the officials were right on top of us
upon receiving a timeout request
a defensive player cried in the court
an offensive player prayed in tongues
knowing they're within striking distance now
to claim the price the Host refuse to give
now it is two minutes to go
and it becomes a whole new ballgame
and without shame the ref screamed
and all fouls were called against us…
an unhindered attempt for the goal
Ball hitting vertical basket support
And everything we did called travelling,
Double dribble,
Striking or kicking the ball,
A throw-in ,
swinging of elbows,
24-second violation,
this is always a tough place to play
They’re playing with a sense of urgency
And scores came 22 to 18
And in frustration the don was fouled out
And they got a big break there
24 to 18
statistics can be misleading.
statistics tell the whole story.
that's the key statistic.
that's the key to the game
they all tried to steal
we took what the defense gives us
and the ref call for free throw
twice in seven second
giving us a few more grey hairs
And the score was 24 to 22
The ref should get an academy award
for that acting job
they played these games on paper
and we know that score won't hold up
time was out but the game goes on
an excuse that the timer was bad
they diagrammed that perfectly
that's stuff for the highlight film
and in inexperience my player frustrated self
a shot three-point goes through
when the horn sounds ending a period,
24 to 25
bells university,
omosun sylvester,
Part One: when the whistle blows (True life Basketball Poem and Commentatry)
The Don Attack anger he took the chair and threw it into the basketball court, in anger he walked to the first umpire and confronted him with the fact we all knew, eyes and cheek puffing in rage, he called him a cheat, and in the heat of the moment both side when into the court, and the Don attack becomes a chaos attack, fist let fly, adrenalin released, we lost the match with seconds to go, they bought the game we refused to cheat.
my team are no bad losers, and neither am i, When celebrating a victory or loss we make sure we do so in a way that doesn't show disrespect for the opponents. It's fine and appropriate to be happy and celebrate a win, but we never taunt the opponents or boast about our victory, beause the team i have with me know that winning and losing are a part of life,
but what if your opponent taut you, moreso on a game you never lost, a game stolen from your grasp with seconds to go, what will you do?
now i guess you understand the don attack, knowing that buying off games is not just a part of sport. it is a cancer that eat deep, everywere in the society today
we have had different oponents to contend with in invitational tournamnets and we know they are either mercenary or outside players, reson why that today respect of opponents and referees is hard to come by, because we live in an era in sports wereby mercenaries represents the opponents we play against and the referee are part of a clique that supports the highest bidder, or instance the richest university now is capable of winning the game or as host you are favourite, not because of home tuff, but because as the host you are to be rewarded for the finacial incentive spent on the organisation and so forth
but honestly without the Opponents and Referees, you wouldn't have a competition. Referees help provide a fair and safe experience for athletes and, as appropriate, help them learn the game. Opponents provide opportunities for your team to test itself, improve, and excel.
I knew it is important that you and your team should show respect for opponents by giving your best efforts. You owe them this. Showing respect doesn't necessarily mean being "nice" to your opponents, though it does mean being civil.
but the question that keep nagging at me is this? what if we knew that people we play against are bought,that they are mercenaries recruited from other proffessional bodies? what could we do?
it is difficult to control your team from "trash talking" or taunt these opponent. Such behavior although is disrespectful to the spirit of the competition and to the opponent, but what could cheats expect?. why couldnt the don attack
in my team I could immediately remove a player from a contest if he or she broke an orders in this area, but in a grade A tournament it is difficult to act that way, without the presumption that i support cheats
i have no faults upon the referees, they mostly live below means, and are quite often bought—in many cases many of them have lived and worked together through the nurmerous sport council to become a clique, The level of officiating is never commensurate to the level of play. In other words, there never is a perfection from referees unless that you lobby right
if possible they will make every call against you,stop the contest every 10 seconds, if you are on the lossing side.
i have often lost games with dignity but now i cant feel happy with the new direction, it is hard this way after a loss, to try to help them keep their chins up and maintain a positive attitude that will carry over into the next practice and contest, it is very hard anger he took the chair and threw it into the basketball court, in anger he walked to the first umpire and confronted him with the fact we all knew, eyes and cheek puffing in rage, he called him a cheat, and in the heat of the moment both side when into the court, and the Don attack becomes a chaos attack, fist let fly, adrenalin released, we lost the match with seconds to go, they bought the game we refused to cheat.
my team are no bad losers, and neither am i, When celebrating a victory or loss we make sure we do so in a way that doesn't show disrespect for the opponents. It's fine and appropriate to be happy and celebrate a win, but we never taunt the opponents or boast about our victory, beause the team i have with me know that winning and losing are a part of life,
but what if your opponent taut you, moreso on a game you never lost, a game stolen from your grasp with seconds to go, what will you do?
now i guess you understand the don attack, knowing that buying off games is not just a part of sport. it is a cancer that eat deep, everywere in the society today
we have had different oponents to contend with in invitational tournamnets and we know they are either mercenary or outside players, reson why that today respect of opponents and referees is hard to come by, because we live in an era in sports wereby mercenaries represents the opponents we play against and the referee are part of a clique that supports the highest bidder, or instance the richest university now is capable of winning the game or as host you are favourite, not because of home tuff, but because as the host you are to be rewarded for the finacial incentive spent on the organisation and so forth
but honestly without the Opponents and Referees, you wouldn't have a competition. Referees help provide a fair and safe experience for athletes and, as appropriate, help them learn the game. Opponents provide opportunities for your team to test itself, improve, and excel.
I knew it is important that you and your team should show respect for opponents by giving your best efforts. You owe them this. Showing respect doesn't necessarily mean being "nice" to your opponents, though it does mean being civil.
but the question that keep nagging at me is this? what if we knew that people we play against are bought,that they are mercenaries recruited from other proffessional bodies? what could we do?
it is difficult to control your team from "trash talking" or taunt these opponent. Such behavior although is disrespectful to the spirit of the competition and to the opponent, but what could cheats expect?. why couldnt the don attack
in my team I could immediately remove a player from a contest if he or she broke an orders in this area, but in a grade A tournament it is difficult to act that way, without the presumption that i support cheats
i have no faults upon the referees, they mostly live below means, and are quite often bought—in many cases many of them have lived and worked together through the nurmerous sport council to become a clique, The level of officiating is never commensurate to the level of play. In other words, there never is a perfection from referees unless that you lobby right
if possible they will make every call against you,stop the contest every 10 seconds, if you are on the lossing side.
i have often lost games with dignity but now i cant feel happy with the new direction, it is hard this way after a loss, to try to help them keep their chins up and maintain a positive attitude that will carry over into the next practice and contest, it is very hard
bells university,
omosun sylvester,
Thursday, May 1, 2008
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