The Don Attack anger he took the chair and threw it into the basketball court, in anger he walked to the first umpire and confronted him with the fact we all knew, eyes and cheek puffing in rage, he called him a cheat, and in the heat of the moment both side when into the court, and the Don attack becomes a chaos attack, fist let fly, adrenalin released, we lost the match with seconds to go, they bought the game we refused to cheat.
my team are no bad losers, and neither am i, When celebrating a victory or loss we make sure we do so in a way that doesn't show disrespect for the opponents. It's fine and appropriate to be happy and celebrate a win, but we never taunt the opponents or boast about our victory, beause the team i have with me know that winning and losing are a part of life,
but what if your opponent taut you, moreso on a game you never lost, a game stolen from your grasp with seconds to go, what will you do?
now i guess you understand the don attack, knowing that buying off games is not just a part of sport. it is a cancer that eat deep, everywere in the society today
we have had different oponents to contend with in invitational tournamnets and we know they are either mercenary or outside players, reson why that today respect of opponents and referees is hard to come by, because we live in an era in sports wereby mercenaries represents the opponents we play against and the referee are part of a clique that supports the highest bidder, or instance the richest university now is capable of winning the game or as host you are favourite, not because of home tuff, but because as the host you are to be rewarded for the finacial incentive spent on the organisation and so forth
but honestly without the Opponents and Referees, you wouldn't have a competition. Referees help provide a fair and safe experience for athletes and, as appropriate, help them learn the game. Opponents provide opportunities for your team to test itself, improve, and excel.
I knew it is important that you and your team should show respect for opponents by giving your best efforts. You owe them this. Showing respect doesn't necessarily mean being "nice" to your opponents, though it does mean being civil.
but the question that keep nagging at me is this? what if we knew that people we play against are bought,that they are mercenaries recruited from other proffessional bodies? what could we do?
it is difficult to control your team from "trash talking" or taunt these opponent. Such behavior although is disrespectful to the spirit of the competition and to the opponent, but what could cheats expect?. why couldnt the don attack
in my team I could immediately remove a player from a contest if he or she broke an orders in this area, but in a grade A tournament it is difficult to act that way, without the presumption that i support cheats
i have no faults upon the referees, they mostly live below means, and are quite often bought—in many cases many of them have lived and worked together through the nurmerous sport council to become a clique, The level of officiating is never commensurate to the level of play. In other words, there never is a perfection from referees unless that you lobby right
if possible they will make every call against you,stop the contest every 10 seconds, if you are on the lossing side.
i have often lost games with dignity but now i cant feel happy with the new direction, it is hard this way after a loss, to try to help them keep their chins up and maintain a positive attitude that will carry over into the next practice and contest, it is very hard
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Part One: when the whistle blows (True life Basketball Poem and Commentatry)
bells university,
omosun sylvester,